# define some macros all: version help version: @echo "LinuxFocus Editors' Makefile v0.7.1 (2001-07-31) - to Make live easier" help: version @echo "Options:" @echo " make help -> show this help" @echo " make version -> show the version information" @echo " make backup -> make a backup op the current Nederlands dir" @echo " make upload -> upload the patch" @echo " make mainindex -> make a mainindex patch" @echo " make monthindex -> make MonthYYYY/index.html from new DB" @echo " make themes -> make new theme pages" @echo " make clean -> remove the current patch" @echo " make sync -> synchronize local version" @echo " make changed -> show recently changed files" @echo " make index -> update the Nederlands/index.html page" @echo " make patch -> make a patch of all changed files" @echo @echo " make lock -> make clear that other should not interfere" @echo " make unlock" @echo " make islocked -> check if LF is locked" sync: @echo "Syncing local version..." @echo " *** Nederlands directory..." @rsync -rLtz -vv main.linuxfocus.org::lf/Nederlands . | grep -v uptodate @echo " *** common directory..." @rsync -rLtz -vv main.linuxfocus.org::lf/common . | grep -v uptodate esync: @echo "Syncing local version..." @echo " *** English directory..." @rsync -rLtz -vv main.linuxfocus.org::lf/English . | grep -v uptodate @echo " *** WorkSpace directory..." @rsync -rLtz -vv main.linuxfocus.org::lf/WorkSpace . | grep -v uptodate @echo " *** Spanish directory..." @rsync -rLtz -vv main.linuxfocus.org::lf/Castellano . | grep -v uptodate @echo " *** Frensh directory..." @rsync -rLtz -vv main.linuxfocus.org::lf/Francais . | grep -v uptodate @echo " *** German directory..." @rsync -rLtz -vv main.linuxfocus.org::lf/Deutsch . | grep -v uptodate upload: @echo "Uploading patch..." @Nederlands/WorkSpace/bin/lfsendpatch-0.6 -p nllf_007 -u egon.w patch_ew_`date +%d_%m`.tar.gz update: medewerkers xml xml: index @echo "Updating all LF DB XML based pages..." @cd Nederlands/xml; \ make medewerkers: @echo "Updating medewerkers.html" @cd Nederlands/WorkSpace/bin/; \ genmedewerkers > ../../medewerkers.html news: @echo "Generating updated news..." @cd Nederlands/WorkSpace/News ; \ ./gen_nl_news.pl clean: @echo "Removing patch..." @find . -name 'patch*.tar*' -exec ${RM} {} \; @find . -name '*~' -exec $(RM) {} \; @find . -name '*bak' -exec $(RM) {} \; daychanged: @echo "The following files have changed..." @find Nederlands -mmin -600 -type f @find common -mmin -600 -type f changed: @echo "The following files have changed..." @find Nederlands -mmin -120 -type f @find common -mmin -120 -type f ws_sync: @echo "Syncing local version..." @echo " *** WorkSpace directory..." @rsync -rLtz -vv www.linuxfocus.org::lf/WorkSpace . | grep -v uptodate ws_clean: @echo "Cleaning WorkSpace..." @find WorkSpace -name '*' -exec ${RM} {} \; themes_patch: clean @echo "Making mainindex/themes patch..." @tar cvf patch_ew_`date +%d_%m`.tar Nederlands/mainindex.txt Nederlands/vertaald.html Nederlands/mainindex.html Nederlands/data/opkomst.txt Nederlands/data/mainindex.def.nl.txt Nederlands/Themes/*.html @gzip patch_ew_`date +%d_%m`.tar index_patch: clean @echo "Making index patch..." @tar cvf patch_ew_`date +%d_%m`.tar Nederlands/index.html Nederlands/WorkSpace/Index/*.html @gzip patch_ew_`date +%d_%m`.tar hourpatch: clean @echo "Making new patch..." @tar cvf patch_ew_`date +%d_%m`.tar `find Nederlands -mmin -60 -type f` @gzip patch_ew_`date +%d_%m`.tar daypatch: clean @echo "Making new patch..." @tar cvf patch_ew_`date +%d_%m`.tar `find Nederlands -mmin -600 -type f` @gzip patch_ew_`date +%d_%m`.tar patch: clean @echo "Making new patch..." @tar cvf patch_ew_`date +%d_%m`.tar `find Nederlands -mmin -1200 -type f` @gzip patch_ew_`date +%d_%m`.tar newindex: @echo "Making new patch of Concept Index..." @tar cvf patch_ew_`date +%d_%m`.tar `find Nederlands/Temp -mmin -120 -type f` @gzip patch_ew_`date +%d_%m`.tar lock: .who @echo "LOCKED!" @echo "`cat .who`: locked at `date`" > Nederlands/lock @tar cf patch_ew_`date +%d_%m`.tar Nederlands/lock @gzip -f patch_ew_`date +%d_%m`.tar @echo "y" | make upload > /dev/null unlock: @echo "UNLOCKED!" @echo "unlocked" > Nederlands/lock @tar cf patch_ew_`date +%d_%m`.tar Nederlands/lock @gzip -f patch_ew_`date +%d_%m`.tar @echo "y" | make upload > /dev/null islocked: @rsync -rLtz -vv main.linuxfocus.org::lf/Nederlands/lock . | grep -v uptodate > /dev/null @find . -name ".lock" -exec $(RM) {} \; @cat Nederlands/lock broken: @echo "Broken links are save to broken.txt..." @blnkcheck `find Nederlands/ -name "*html" | grep -v "WorkSpace" | grep -v "Nederlands/data" | grep -v "Nederlands/Temp" | grep -v Archives` | sort > broken.txt backup: @echo "Making an backup of the current Nederlands dir..." @tar cvf backup`date +%d_%m`.tar Nederlands/* @echo "y" | gzip backup`date +%d_%m`.tar index: @echo "Making new index.shtml..." @sabcmd Nederlands/xml/stylesheets/recently_translated_light.xslt Nederlands/xml/db/lfdb.nl.xml > Nederlands/box09.html @Nederlands/WorkSpace/bin/lfpagecomposer Nederlands/skel.html > Nederlands/index.shtml