#!/usr/bin/perl -w # vim: set sw=4 ts=4 si et: # Author: Guido Socher, guido@bearix.oche.de # Patch for -t option by Floris.Lambrechts@linuxfocus.org # This software ist distributed under the conditions of the # GNU public license. use strict; use vars qw($opt_h $opt_l $opt_t $opt_i); use Getopt::Std; # my $l=0; # we read all the themes into ram: my %themesptr; my %issueptr; my @issuenames; my $theme; my $tname; my $ver="version 0.7.1"; # small change to be able to link to .shtml files instead of .html if not available my $bg; my $i; my @line; my %templates; my $articlefile; my $iarticlefile; my $abstract; my $title; my $today; my $lang="en"; # LinuxFocus got messy over the initiative to change the article location # from MonthYear to articles directory. # This tells us per issue where things are. The syntax is # 'issue_name'=>'directory' # issue_name is the term that comes after the "month:" in the defintion file. # my %whereiswhat=( 'en'=>{"November1997"=>'November1997',"January1998"=>'January1998',"March1998"=>'March1998',"May1998"=>'May1998','July1998'=>'articles','September1998'=>'articles','October1998'=>'articles','November1998'=>'articles','December1998'=>'articles','January1999'=>'articles','Next'=>'../WorkSpace/Nextissue','July1999'=>'July1999','September1999'=>'September1999','November1999'=>'November1999','January2000'=>'January2000','March2000'=>'March2000','May2000'=>'May2000'}, 'cn'=>{"November1997"=>'November1997',"January1998"=>'January1998',"March1998"=>'March1998',"May1998"=>'May1998','July1998'=>'July1998','September1998'=>'September1998','October1998'=>'October1998','November1998'=>'November1998','December1998'=>'December1998','January1999'=>'January1999','Next'=>'../WorkSpace/Nextissue','July1999'=>'July1999','September1999'=>'September1999','November1999'=>'November1999','May2000'=>'May2000'}, 'de'=>{"November1997"=>'November1997',"January1998"=>'January1998',"March1998"=>'March1998',"May1998"=>'May1998','July1998'=>'July1998','September1998'=>'September1998','October1998'=>'October1998','November1998'=>'November1998','December1998'=>'December1998','January1999'=>'January1999','Next'=>'../WorkSpace/Nextissue','July1999'=>'July1999','September1999'=>'September1999','November1999'=>'November1999','May2000'=>'May2000'}, 'fr'=>{"November1997"=>'November1997',"January1998"=>'January1998',"March1998"=>'March1998',"May1998"=>'May1998','July1998'=>'July1998','September1998'=>'September1998','October1998'=>'October1998','November1998'=>'November1998','December1998'=>'articles','January1999'=>'articles','Next'=>'../WorkSpace/Nextissue','July1999'=>'July1999','September1999'=>'September1999','November1999'=>'November1999','May2000'=>'May2000'}, 'nl'=>{"November1997"=>'November1997',"January1998"=>'January1998',"March1998"=>'March1998',"May1998"=>'May1998','July1998'=>'articles','September1998'=>'articles','October1998'=>'articles','November1998'=>'articles','December1998'=>'articles','January1999'=>'articles','Next'=>'../WorkSpace/Nextissue','July1999'=>'articles','September1999'=>'September1999','November1999'=>'November1999','January2000'=>'January2000','March2000'=>'March2000','May2000'=>'May2000'}, 'es'=>{"November1997"=>'November1997',"January1998"=>'January1998',"March1998"=>'March1998',"May1998"=>'May1998','July1998'=>'July1998','September1998'=>'articles','October1998'=>'articles','November1998'=>'articles','December1998'=>'articles','January1999'=>'articles','Next'=>'../WorkSpace/Nextissue','July1999'=>'July1999','September1999'=>'September1999','November1999'=>'November1999','May2000'=>'May2000'} ); # my %validcat=('Forum'=>1,'Applications'=>1,'Hardware'=>1,'Webdesign'=>1, 'System Administration'=>1,'Software Development'=>1,'Graphics'=>1, 'UNIX Basics'=>1,'Kernel Corner'=>1,'Interviews'=>1,'Community'=>1, 'Games'=>1 ); my %abbrevcat=('appl'=>'Applications','hw'=>'Hardware','www'=>'Webdesign', 'sysadm'=>'System Administration','sdev'=>'Software Development', 'grx'=>'Graphics', 'ubx'=>'UNIX Basics','kernel'=>'Kernel Corner'); # &getopts("l:hti:")||exit 1; &help if ($opt_h); &help if (scalar(@ARGV) < 1); die "ERROR: can not read file $ARGV[0]\n" unless (-r "$ARGV[0]"); $today=&today; if ($opt_l){ if ($whereiswhat{$opt_l}){ $lang=$opt_l; }else{ die "ERROR: no language extension $opt_l defined, yet. Please add it\n"; } } &readtemplates(); &readthemestxt($ARGV[0]); unless (-d "Themes"){ print STDERR "making directory Themes...\n"; mkdir "Themes",0755 || die "ERROR: could not mkdir Themes\n"; } #---------- print STDERR "writing ./Themes/index.html...\n"; open(OUT,">Themes/index.html")||die "ERROR: can not write to Themes/index.html\n"; &printtemplate("__head_$lang"); &printtemplate("__img_th_$lang"); &printtemplate("__index_$lang"); &printtemplate("__foot_th_$lang"); close OUT; #---------- foreach $theme (keys %validcat){ $tname=$theme; print STDERR "writing ./Themes/$tname.html...\n"; $tname=~s/ /_/g; open(OUT,">Themes/$tname.html")|| die "ERROR: can not write to Themes/$tname.html\n"; &printtemplate("__head_$lang"); &printtemplate("__img_th_$lang"); &printtemplate("__${tname}_$lang"); if ($themesptr{$theme}){ foreach $articlefile (sort keys %{$themesptr{$theme}}){ $title=$themesptr{$theme}{$articlefile}{'title'}; $abstract=$themesptr{$theme}{$articlefile}{'short_abstract'}; if ($themesptr{$theme}{$articlefile}{'status'} eq "translated"){ if (!-e "Themes/$articlefile") { $articlefile =~ s/html/shtml/; } print OUT "
  • $title\n"; print OUT "

  • \n"; }else{ print OUT "
  • $title [Engelse versie]\n"; print OUT "

  • \n"; } } }else{ print OUT "
  • Sorry, no article available in this category.
  • \n"; } &printtemplate("__foot_th_$lang"); } #---------- print STDERR "writing ./issues.html...\n"; open(OUT,">issues.html")||die "ERROR: can not write to issues.html\n"; &printtemplate("__head_$lang"); &printtemplate("__img_i_$lang"); &printtemplate("__issue_$lang"); #---------- foreach $i (@issuenames){ print OUT "


    \n"; } if ($opt_t){ # you want to make an index of all translated articles print STDERR "writing ./vertaald.html...\n"; open(OUT,">vertaald.html")||die "ERROR: can not write to vertaald.html\n"; &printtemplate("__head_$lang"); &printtemplate("__img_i_$lang"); &printtemplate("__translated_$lang"); #---------- foreach $i (@issuenames){ print OUT "


    \n"; } if ($opt_i){ # you want to include an HTML section at the end of # the file translated.html. The HTML is in the file # $opt_i open(INCLUDE,"$opt_i")||die "ERROR: can not read the file $opt_i\n"; print OUT "\n\n\n

    \n"; while(){ print OUT "$_"; } close INCLUDE; print OUT "\n"; } } &printtemplate("__foot_i_$lang"); #------------------ # read in the database: #-------------- sub readthemestxt($){ my $file=shift; my $dir; my $endir; my $iname; open(FF,"$file")||die "ERROR: can not read $file\n"; while(){ $l++; next if (/^#/); # ignore comment next unless (/\w/); # ignore empty line chomp; s/\s+/ /g; # manny space to 1 space s/^ //g; # leading space @line=split(/\+\+/); if (/^month:/){ # set the directory for English and the selected language $line[0]=~ s/^month://; $line[0]=~s/ +//g; die "ERROR: update the \%whereiswhat variable in this program or download a new version. The location of $line[0] at line $l in $file is not defined for the English language\n" unless ($whereiswhat{'en'}{$line[0]}); die "ERROR: update the \%whereiswhat variable in this program or download a new version. The location of $line[0] at line $l in $file is not defined for the English language\n" unless ($whereiswhat{$lang}{$line[0]}); $dir=$whereiswhat{$lang}{$line[0]}; $endir=$whereiswhat{'en'}{$line[0]}; die "ERROR: issue name missing at line $l\n" unless($line[1]=~/\w/); $line[1]=~s/ +/ /g; $iname=$line[1]; push(@issuenames,$iname); next; } if (scalar(@line) < 3){ print STDERR "ERROR: line $l does not look correct, ignored\n"; next; } unless ($line[2] && $line[2]=~/\w\w/){ print STDERR "ERROR: line $l does not have an article title\n"; next; } unless(/^\d/ || $line[1]=~ /\w\w\w/){ print STDERR "ERROR: line $l does not start with a digit and at the same time no full path to non-english page is given\n"; next; } for $i (0..4){ # take care of empty fields: if (defined $line[$i] && $line[$i] =~ /\w/){ $line[$i] =~ s/\s//g if ($i == 0); $line[$i] =~ s/^ //; # we have max one space $line[$i] =~ s/ $//; }else{ $line[$i] = " "; } } $line[3]=$abbrevcat{$line[3]} if ($abbrevcat{$line[3]}); unless($validcat{$line[3]}){ print STDERR "ERROR: line $l, no category or invalid category, ignoring line\n"; next; } if ($line[1] =~/x/i){ # it's translated $articlefile="../" .$dir . "/article". $line[0] .".html"; $iarticlefile=$dir . "/article". $line[0] .".html"; # store by category, articlefile $themesptr{$line[3]}{$articlefile}{'status'}="translated"; $issueptr{$iname}{$iarticlefile}{'status'}="translated"; }else{ # not translated $articlefile="../" .$endir . "/article". $line[0] .".html"; $iarticlefile=$endir . "/article". $line[0] .".html"; # store by category, articlefile $themesptr{$line[3]}{$articlefile}{'status'}="english"; $issueptr{$iname}{$iarticlefile}{'status'}="english"; } $themesptr{$line[3]}{$articlefile}{'title'}=$line[2]; $themesptr{$line[3]}{$articlefile}{'short_abstract'}=$line[4]; $issueptr{$iname}{$iarticlefile}{'title'}=$line[2]; $issueptr{$iname}{$iarticlefile}{'short_abstract'}=$line[4]; } close FF; } #-------------- sub today{ my @ltime = localtime; #return a date in yyyy-mm-dd format my $today; $today = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d",1900 + $ltime[5],$ltime[4] + 1,$ltime[3]); $today; } #-------------- sub printtemplate($){ my $name=shift; if (defined $templates{$name}){ foreach (@{$templates{$name}}){ print OUT; } }else{ # try english print STDERR "Warning, no template $name, trying english version\n"; $name=~s/_[a-z]+$/_en/; if (defined $templates{$name}){ foreach (@{$templates{$name}}){ print OUT; } }else{ die "ERROR: No such template $name\n"; } } } #-------------- sub readtemplates(){ my $templatename="nix"; #read and print any text between "^__ xxx" and the next __ while(){ next if (/^#/); if (/^(__\w+)/){ $templatename=$1; next; } s/\$date/$today/o; push(@{$templates{$templatename}},$_); } } #------------- sub help{ print "lfthemes -- generate a linuxfocus subject index page (themes) USAGE: lfthemes [-h][-t][-i include.txtl][-l cn|de|en|es|nl|fr] themes_definition_file OPTIONS: -h this help text -l select a language for the output. Supported are de, en, fr, nl and cn. You need to translate the provided lfthemes_lang file to your language and send it to guido.socher\@linuxfocus.org. -t generate also a a file translated.html (contains the same as the file, but only for transtlated articles) -i include the file 'include.txt' at the end of translated.html EXAMPLE: lfthemes -l es -ti include.txt spanish_themse_def.txt This generates in the current directory the subdirectory Themes where it stores all the web-pages. lfthemes generates also the file issues.html in the current directory. All Images are linked to ../../common/images/ The latest version of this program is at http://www.linuxfocus.org/developer/Guido/ This program was written by Guido Socher $ver \n"; exit; } __END__ __head_en LinuxFocus Index __img_th_en Home Map Index Search News Archives Links About LF
    [Top Bar]
    [Bottom Bar] __img_i_en Home Map Index Search News Archives Links About LF
    [Top Bar]
    [Bottom Bar] __index_en

    LinuxFocusThemes Index

    [Themes Picture] This is the index of the first free multi-lingual web magazine for Linux sorted by subject.

    Webpages maintained by the LinuxFocus Editor team
    © LinuxFocus 1999
    generated by lfthemes, $date
    Webpages maintained by the LinuxFocus Editor team
    © LinuxFocus 1999
    generated by lfthemes, $date

    Linux Forum

    [Forum Picture] Index of articles that voice the opinions of experts and users of linux.



      [Games Picture] Index of articles that review games for Linux or talk about funny things.



        [Applications Picture] Index of articles that introduce and review applications and tools available for Linux



          [Webdesign Picture] List of articles about Webdesign and the WWW in general.


            Harware Review

            [Hardware Picture] List of articles devoted to hardware, its use and configuration under Linux.


              System Administration

              [Sysadmin Picture] List of articles about Linux system administration.


                Software Development

                [Development Picture] List of articles about software development under Linux.



                  [Infography Picture] List of articles about graphics software under Linux.


                    Unix Basics

                    [Unix Picture] Unix tips, tricks and principles.


                      Kernel Corner

                      [Kernel Picture] Articles about the heart of the Linux OS.



                        [Community Picture] Stories about the Linux community and what is going on there.



                          [Interviews Picture] Various interviews with people from the world of Linux.


                            Index by LinuxFocus issue

                            This is an index of all LinuxFocus articles sorted by issue.


                            Translated articles by LinuxFocus issue

                            This is an index of all LinuxFocus articles that are already translated in this language, sorted by issue.

                            __head_de LinuxFocus Index __img_th_de Home Map Index Suchen Nachrichten Archiv Links Über LF
                            [Top Bar]
                            [Bottom Bar] __img_i_de Home Map Index Suchen Nachrichten Archiv Links Über LF
                            [Top Bar]
                            [Bottom Bar] __index_de

                            LinuxFocus Themenindex

                            [Themes Picture] Dies ist der Index des ersten mehrsprachigen Web-Magazins für Linux sortiert nach Artikelüberschriften.

                            An das LinuxFocus Team schreiben
                            © LinuxFocus 1999
                            generated by lfthemes, $date
                          An das LinuxFocus Team schreiben
                          © LinuxFocus 1999
                          generated by lfthemes, $date

                          Linux Forum

                          [Forum Picture] Die Meinungen verschiedenster bekannter Leute aus der Computerwelt zu Linux.



                            [Games Picture] Spiele für Linux und lustige Artikel zu Linux.



                              [Applications Picture] Eine Übersicht von Artikeln mit Tutorien und Testberichten von Programmen und verschiedenen Applikationen für Linux.



                                [Webdesign Picture] Eine Liste von Artikeln zu Webseitenentwicklung und das WWW im allgemeinen.


                                  Harware Review

                                  [Hardware Picture] Hardware, Reviews und Konfiguration unter Linux.


                                    System Administration

                                    [Sysadmin Picture] Eine Liste von Artikeln über Linux-Systemadministration.



                                      [Development Picture] Eine Liste von Artikeln zur Softwareentwicklung unter Linux.



                                        [Infography Picture] Eine Liste von Artikeln zu Grafiksoftware unter Linux.


                                          Unix Grundlagen

                                          [Unix Picture] Unix-Grundlagen mit Tips und Tricks zu Linux.


                                            Kernel Ecke

                                            [Kernel Picture] Artikel über das "Herz" Deines Linuxsystems.


                                              Die Linuxgemeinde

                                              [Community Picture] Geschichten aus der Linuxgemeinde.



                                                [Interviews Picture] Verschiedene Interviews mit Leuten aus der Linuxwelt.


                                                  Index sortiert nach Ausgabe.

                                                  Dies ist ein Index mit allen Linuxfocusartikeln sortiert nach Ausgaben.

                                                  __head_nl LinuxFocus Index __img_th_nl Home Map Index Zoek Nieuws Archieven Links Over LF
                                                  [Bovenste Balk]
                                                  [Onderste Balk] __img_i_nl Home Map Index Zoek Nieuws Archieven Links Over LF
                                                  [Bovenste Balk]
                                                  [Onderste Balk] __index_nl

                                                  LinuxFocusThema's Index

                                                  [Thema's Illustratie] Dit is de index van het eerste gratis meertalig web magazine, gesorteerd per onderwerp.

                                                  Webpagina's onderhouden door het LinuxFocus Editors team
                                                  © LinuxFocus 2000.
                                                  Gemaakt door lfthemes, $date
                                                Webpagina's onderhouden door het LinuxFocus Editors team
                                                © LinuxFocus 2000.
                                                Gemaakt door lfthemes, $date

                                                Linux Forum

                                                [Forum Illustratie] Overzicht van artikels over de meningen van Linux-gebruikers en -experts.



                                                  [Games Picture] Index of articles that review games for Linux or talk about funny things.



                                                    [Applicaties Illustratie] Overzicht van artikels over tools en programma's voor Linux.



                                                      [Webdesign Illustratie] Overzicht van artikels over Webdesign en het WWW in het algemeen.


                                                        Harware Besprekingen

                                                        [Hardware Illustratie] Overzicht van artikels over hardware zelf, het gebruik ervan en de configuratie onder Linux.



                                                          [Systeembeheer Illustratie] Overzicht van artikels over Linux systeembeheer.


                                                            Software Ontwikkeling

                                                            [Ontwikkeling Illustratie] Overzicht van artikels over software ontwikkeling onder Linux.


                                                              Grafische Hoek

                                                              [Grafisch Illustratie] Overzicht van de artikels over software onder Linux.


                                                                Unix Basics

                                                                [Unix Illustratie] Unix tips, trucks en vaardigheden.


                                                                  Kernel Hoek

                                                                  [Kernel Illustratie] Artikels over het Linux besturingssysteem.



                                                                    [Gemeenschap Illustratie] Verslagen over wat er omgaat in de Linux gemeenschap.



                                                                      [Interviews Illustratie] Interviews met mensen uit de Linux-wereld.


                                                                        Overzicht per LinuxFocus nummer

                                                                        Dit is een overzicht van alle LinuxFocus artikels gesorteerd per nummer.


                                                                        Vertaalde artikelen

                                                                        Hier kunt u alle artikels terugvinden die reeds vertaald zijn in het Nederlands. Als u exact wilt weten wie wat vertaald heeft, en waar we nog mee bezig zijn, dan kunt u het bestand mainindex.html raadplegen. Wilt u graag zelf meehelpen aan LinuxFocus, dan vindt meer info in info.html
                                                                        __head_cn LinuxFocus ¯Á¤Þ __img_th_cn ­º­¶ ¦a¹Ï ¯Á¤Þ ·j´M ·s»D «e´ÁÂø»x ¬ÛÃöºô¯¸ Ãö©ó LinuxFocus

                                                                        [¥\¯àªí 1]
                                                                        [¥\¯àªí 2] __img_i_cn ¥D­¶ ¦a¹Ï ¯Á¤Þ ·j´M ·s»D «e´ÁÂø»x ¬ÛÃöÁpµ² Ãö©ó LinuxFocus
                                                                        [Top Bar]
                                                                        [Bottom Bar] __index_cn


                                                                        [¥DÃD´¡¹Ï] ³o¬O²Ä¤@¥÷¦h»y Linux ºô¸ôÂø»xªº¥DÃD¯Á¤Þ¡C

                                                                        ºô­¶ºûÅ@¡GLinuxFocus ½s¿è²Õ
                                                                        © ª©Åv©Ò¦³ LinuxFocus 1999
                                                                        generated by lfthemes, $date
                                                                      ºô­¶ºûÅ@¡GLinuxFocus ½s¿è²Õ
                                                                      © ª©Åv©Ò¦³ LinuxFocus 1999
                                                                      generated by lfthemes, $date

                                                                      Linux °Q½×°Ï

                                                                      [Linux °Q½×°Ï] ±M®a¬Ýªk»PŪªÌ·N¨£



                                                                        [Games Picture] Index of articles that review games for Linux or talk about funny things.


                                                                          Linux ªº³nÅé

                                                                          [Linux ªº³nÅé] Linux ©³¤U¹ê¥Îªº³nÅ餶²Ð»Pµû½×



                                                                            [ºô­¶³]­p] ¦³Ãöºô­¶³]­pªº¤å³¹©M³nÅ餶²Ð



                                                                              [µwÅéµû½×] ±Mªù±´°QµwÅ骺¤å³¹¡A¤Î¦b Linux ¤U¨Ï¥Î¦UºØµwÅ骺§Þ¥©



                                                                                [¨t²ÎºÞ²z] ¨t²Î©Mºô¸ôªººÞ²z



                                                                                  [³nÅé³]­p] ©Ò¦³¦³Ãö¦b Linux Àô¹Ò¤Uªº³nÅé³]­p°Q½×¤å³¹



                                                                                    [¬ü³N³]­p] ¦¨¬°¬ü³N®a¥²³Æ¤u¨ã«ü«n


                                                                                      Unix/Linux °ò¦

                                                                                      [Unix/Linux °ò¦] Unix ªº§Þ¥©¡B¬ªù©M²z½×



                                                                                        [®Ö¤ß¤@¨¤] Ãö©ó Linux ªº¨t²Î®Ö¤ß¡]Kernel¡^ªº°Q½×



                                                                                          [¥æ¬y¶é¦a] ¦³Ãö¼s¤jªº Linux ¨Ï¥ÎªÌ¸sªº³Ì·s®ø®§©M¬G¨Æ



                                                                                            [³X½Í°O¿ý] ³X°Ý©M Linux ¦³Ãöªº¦W¤H

                                                                                            Pages maintenues par l'équipe d'édition de LinuxFocus
                                                                                            © LinuxFocus 1999

                                                                                            Forum Linux

                                                                                            [Forum Picture] Index des articles de LinuxFocus où se débattent des idées générales sur Linux.



                                                                                              [Games Picture] Index of articles that review games for Linux or talk about funny things.


                                                                                                Applications sous Linux

                                                                                                [Applications Picture] Index des articles qui présentent et évaluent des Applications sous Linux.


                                                                                                  Design web

                                                                                                  [Webdesign Picture] Liste des articles traitant du design et du web en général.


                                                                                                    Le matériel

                                                                                                    [Hardware Picture] Liste des articles consacrés aux matériels, à leur fonctionnement et leur utilisation sous Linux.


                                                                                                      Administration système

                                                                                                      [Sysadmin Picture] Liste des articles de LinuxFocus consacrés à l'Administration du système.


                                                                                                        Developpement logiciel

                                                                                                        [Development Picture] Liste des articles de LinuxFocus dédiés au développement logiciel.



                                                                                                          [Infography Picture] Liste des articles consacrés à l'infographie sous Linux.


                                                                                                            Les Bases d'Unix

                                                                                                            [Unix Picture] Trucs, astuces et principe d'Unix.


                                                                                                              Le coin du noyau

                                                                                                              [Kernel Picture] LinuxFocus vous ouvre les portes du noyau de Linux.



                                                                                                                [Community Picture] Histoire sur la communauté Linux et qu'est-ce qui s'y passe.



                                                                                                                  [Interviews Picture] Divers entretien avec des gens du monde Linux.


                                                                                                                    Index LinuxFocus par numéro

                                                                                                                    Liste de tous les articles de LinuxFocus classés par numéro.
