#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# vim: set sw=4 ts=4 si et ic ruler nowrapscan nowrap:
# Copyright: Guido Socher
use strict;
use vars qw($opt_o $opt_h);
use Getopt::Std;
sub help();
getopts("ho:")||die "ERROR: No such option. -h for help\n";
help() if ($opt_h);
my $imgdir = "../../common/images";
my $lang="en";
my %intdat=(
my $icon="$imgdir/dir_list_file.gif";
my $alt;
my $ver="1.0";
my $dir=".";
my $type;
my @files;
my $outfile ="index.shtml";
delete $ENV{'IFS'};
delete $ENV{'CDPATH'};
delete $ENV{'ENV'};
delete $ENV{'BASH_ENV'};
$outfile ="$opt_o" if ($opt_o);
if ($ARGV[0]){
opendir(DIR,"$dir")||die "ERROR: can not read $dir\n";
closedir DIR;
my $issuename;
if ($dir eq "."){
open (OUT,">$outfile")||die "ERROR: can not write to $outfile\n";
print OUT "
LinuxFocus $issuename\n";
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "LinuxFocus $issuename
print OUT "\n";
foreach (reverse sort @files){
next if (/index/o);
next if ($_ eq ".");
next if ($_ eq "..");
next if ($_ eq "RCS");
if (-f "$dir/$_"){
next unless(/article\d+\.s?html/);
$type = "file";
$alt = "\"file\"";
$type = "html file" if (/html$/);
if (/article\d+\.s?html/){
$alt = "\"article $_\"";
$type = "Linuxfocus article:
my $tmp=`grep \"=LF=TITLE_\" \"$dir/$_\"`;
$tmp=~s/\s+/ /g;
$type .="$tmp";
print OUT " $_ | $type |
$alt="\"LF home\"";
print OUT " <-- LF Home | Go to the front page of LinuxFocus |
print OUT "
close OUT;
sub help(){
print "webls -- genrate an article index file for the files
in of a linuxfocus issue
USAGE: webls [-h] [-o index.html] [directory]
The output is written by default to index.shtml but may be overwritten
with option -o.
This program shall be used form October 2004 onwards to generate
an index for available articles in a given month. There will be
no more editorial everything goes to the front page therefore
a new index.shtml file is needed for the directory where
the articles are stored.
did already exist.
OPTIONS: -h this help
-o write to a different html file (not index.shtml)
exit 0;